速報APP / 健康塑身 / Contraction Timer

Contraction Timer





版本需求:Android 1.6 以上版本



Contraction Timer(圖1)-速報App

Keep track of contractions when giving birth. Lists start time, duration of contracions as well as the interval between contractions. You can easily predict when the next contraction starts and for how long it will last, as well as predict when the current rest is about to end.


* Easy, one-button interface!

* Unlimited undo

Contraction Timer(圖2)-速報App

* Shows averages over as many contractions as you like

* Send stats, for example via email, for viewing or processing elsewhere

* Timings, including current, survives restarts and crashes.

* Keep display on

Contraction Timer(圖3)-速報App

* New simpler history view, that only displays averages. This is the default

* Choose between simple history view and details history view.

* Progress bar to give visual feedback on when to expect the next rest or contraction.

* Sound and/or vibrate feedback on button press

Contraction Timer(圖4)-速報App

* Languages supported: English, Swedish and French (sacrebleu!).

Contraction Timer(圖5)-速報App